Re: Re. a Region 20 death

 Hi There, Rita:
I'll send you a personal email with the file as an attachment since attachments cannot be made to AISDiscuss emails. The list of Hybridizer's Medal recipients begins in 1941 and continues to the present. No Hybridizer's Medal was awarded last year. (Awarding no Hybridizer's Medal has been true from time to time in other years past, but then in some years, several are awarded.)
On Aug 27, 2009, at 2:13 PM, Rita Gormley wrote:

Jeanne, where would we find the list of the past recepients of the Award? I
would be happy to add this request to RVPs in the RVP Newsletter also.

Rita Gormley
RVP Counselor

--- On Fri, 8/21/09, Jeanne Plank <> wrote:

From: Jeanne Plank <>
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Re. a Region 20 death
Date: Friday, August 21, 2009, 11:49 PM

    I think this is a very worthy suggestion, Betty. Perhaps you would
like to write such a piece for the Bulletin?
    The criteria for selecting a the Hybridizer's Medal recipient are
more subtle than referring to a "packing list" of requirements. I
would like to urge all Regions to reflect on hybridizers from their
region and examine that hybridizer's contribution to the betterment
of irises.
    Regions should work to promote the best hybridizers within their
USDA Zones  -- hybridizers whose work has produced superior results
for Irisarians not only of their Region but also for Irisarians
living in widely differing regions across the country.
    Regional nominations can go a long way to help raise the Honorary
Awards Committee's awareness of deserving recipients.
On Aug 21, 2009, at 7:36 AM, wrote:

Thank you, Terry, Jean, and Clarence, for your replies.  Perhaps we
have a Bulletin article outlining award guidelines. It would at
least be a
wake-up call for
those  who are thinking about nominating a worthy  individual.

In a message dated 8/21/2009 8:19:48 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

I concur  in Jeanne's and Terry's comments on this issue. We should
all do
our best to  make sure outstanding hybridizers are properly
recognized when
they are alive.  Posthumous awards are a long, slippery slope.

-----Original Message-----
From: plankmail  <>
Sent: Fri, Aug 21,  2009 12:47 am
Subject: RE: [AISdiscuss] Re. a Region 20  death

I would not argue with Terry's response.  It is sad  that some
hybridizers  do not receive the award, but it has  been a
position (tradition?) of long standing that the award is made to a
hybridizer.  It is an arguable position -- however,  there  is such
a long
of deserving 'unawarded' hybridizers that I agree with  Terry, the
Board has
never wanted to open that door.  This is the  problem with all
awards --
are always the deserving who never receive  them.
On Aug 20, 2009, at  3:51:03 PM, "Terry Aitken"

Hi  Betty
Several years ago, I nominated Carol Lankow for a Hybridizers medal -
posthumously. The boarded voted it down. Carol's introductions went
on  to
win medals after her death. That did not count the seedlings of
hers  that I
introduced later.
I think "posthumous" raises the possibility of  many candidates.
The board
did not want to go  there.

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