Re: Website Redesign

On Aug 24, 2008, at 3:51 PM, wrote:


Some times two or more heads are better than one. I like a lot about our website and the daylily one as well, but neither is as good as they can be. I think the American Daffodil Society one is better than both and the Hosta
Society isn't bad either.

I want to continue to get input from whomever would like to speak up. Ideas come from everywhere. That is different than having a decision making committee.

As to the websites you mentioned, I personally like the clean open look of the Daffodil site.

I have asked several times over the last year for comments and suggestions on the redesign. Few answered, and a number of the suggestions were not particularly compatible, but I have tried to distill the best of the best. I believe the board has had, and continues to have opportunity to comment on what the redesign should consist of and what content needs to be added. Content and purpose drive design to be sure. Just because I have started talking to a designer doesn't mean that the content or the design is frozen. If it takes me starting to talk with a designer to get people talking about what they think would be good, SO MUCH THE BETTER !

We will go through (probably several) reviews and everyone will have an opportunity to comment, and I will listen carefully.

As you might well imagine, we won't be able to please everyone because there are a wide range of opinions. If we tried to compromise to every objection we will (not might) come up with a lesser product,

Yes some of the navigation on our current website is not good nor particularly intuitive. I am also working on that. The link to the youth page is under Iris Links/ AIS Initiatives (5th one down in that list)

Yes it should be at least one level higher (at the AIS Initiatives level with Iris Societies, AIS Regions and the rest.) I have made that suggestion to Chris. We should also have the Foundation link at least at that level.

I also think that there should be Youth link in the main Navigation bar with its own set of pages in our site and have asked Cheryl and Nancy Price (webmaster for the youth-iris site) if they can come up with some new content to put on a Youth section on the AIS site.

I will ask Chris if he can't change the picture on the Convention page.


Among the things that exasperate me about our AIS website are the placement
of some things and the difficulty of finding certain things.  Examples

On the first page under News-Announcements regarding the Austin, Texas AIS 2008 Convention, if you click on Conventions/Activities the first thing you see is a picture of the 2006 Convention in Oregon! No where on that page is
there anything about the AIS 2008 Convention.

Next, I tried to find the Youth site. Since there is no header for Youth the obvious place to me (maybe somewhere else is obvious to someone else) would be under Iris Links. Alas, it isn't there, nor under AIS Overview, nor AIS Membership Information, nor Iris Information. By this time I gave up and I
don't know where the devil it might be (I assume we have  one?).

As one member of the Board I don't think it would hurt a thing to have more
Board input to drive the design rather than the other way around.

Jim M.

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