Length of discussion for motions.

Jill has made the following motion;

Once a motion has been made and seconded electronically, email motion
discussion will be allowed for a minimum of 7 days and a maximum of 14
days. B In the interest of prompt action on AIS business, if after 7 days
there have been no more than 3 emails discussing the motion, the General
Secretary will place the motion on AISVote. B The voting period will be 14
days unless otherwise specified by the AIS President. B Once the voting
period has been completed, the AIS General Secretary will post the
official results of the voting on AISDiscuss.

I will second this motion; so it will recieve discussion;

I do not believe Robert's Rules addresses e-mail meetings, so the fact that
there is another motion in discussion I do not believe makes a difference.
Currently the other motion is due to be discussed until this coming Friday.
There are reasons for me to believe that both motions will be amended. We
actually live by the rules we create for ourselves and we are in the process
of creating these.

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