August Pres. notes:

It has been three months since the we all had fun in the rain in Portland.   
Most of us would be very, very happy to be back in that cool, refreshing 
weather again. Weather-wise, July was a month to forget for most of us.  I my 
location, August has been more compassionate -- thus far (and it is almost over).   
Thoughts of gardening have re-entered the arena of reasonable, practical 
things to consider, although I'll probably wait another few weeks before putting 
tall bearded rhizomes in the ground.   In this neck of the woods, three digit 
temperature readings are still possible well into September, and rain not a 
likely event until well into October -- sometimes November.   
     At the onset of this Discuss message I want to thank all who used our 
electronic services to file his/her report with Patricia electronically and to 
get them in to her well ahead of Portland Convention Board meeting time.   
Without question we all arrived at the meeting table in a far better state   of 
preparation to deal with the business on the agenda, than was the general state 
in the past. I feel strongly that using electronic transmitting to distribute 
reports worked, worked well, and made a noticeable difference in the amount of 
ground we covered. We ARE going to keep up this practice -- aren't we!!!! 
(Notice there is no question mark at the end of that sentence.)   It is past the 
middle of August (nearly the end of).   It is not too early to start thinking 
about the Fall Meeting, we all have Board commitments, obligations and duties; 
and we all have to arrive prepared to report and to conduct AIS business.
     If you are a chairman of a committee formed in Portland (or before), for 
clarity of record, please submit the names of those who are working with you, 
or whom you would like to have working with you on your committee. (Please 
email the names of the former both to Patricia and to me, and the names of the 
latter to me.) 
     If you are unsure about assignments, appointments and other Portland 
meeting matters, the full minutes can be found on the Internet at
     It's time to begin ... more later (scary, right?)

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