AIS Convention - Milan Blazek
Hello all,For those of you attending the AIS convention in Newark in a few
weeks, one of our visitors from Europe will be Dr. Milan Blazek.B B Dr.
BlazekB is a past director of the Pruhonice Park GardenB near Prague in the
Czech Republic.B Milan did considerableB workB to save iris species and
ancient European iris cultivars from extinction, and assembledB a large iris
collection at the garden, dating from 1963.B Dr. Blazek collected species and
hybrids from natural populations in the Balkans, and cultivars from old
estates and castles,B and addedB cultivars fromB his research while at the
garden.B His own hybridizing focused on bearded irises and spurias.This visit
is a lifelong dream for Milan, to visit Presby and its historic iris
collection.B Milan received the Warburton Medal in 2004 from AIS and is an
honorary life member of the American Iris Society.B Dr. Blazek will also be
receiving an award from HIPS during this convention, in honor of a lifetime of
work researching and preserving historic irises.B At the convention, plans
are for Dr. Blazek to participate in a panel discussion on iris preservation
and historic irises. A trip of this magnitude is a very large financial
commitment for Milan.B To help make this trip more affordable for him, we are
collecting private donations to cover the cost of the accommodations, travel,
and convention registration, and the help of an interpreter for part of the
week.B If you would like to help, please send your contribution to Cathy
Egerer, HIPS President, PO Box 456, Grand Marais, MI 49839 or via PayPal to All contributions are greatly appreciated.B We're
delighted that we can help Milan achieve his life-long dream of visiting
Presby and the AIS Convention, and he is thrilled that his health will allow
him to do so this year.B He is overjoyed that the pieces have fallen into
place.B Thanks much,Gary__________________________Gary E. White
President, American Iris Society
701 Old Cheney Rd.
Lincoln, NEB 68512
(402) 421-6394
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