RE: Website Content

If I could briefly chime in here, I'd suggest the board consider granting
the Bulletin its own content channel on the website.  I'd like to explore
the idea of hosting a couple of blogs (by regular contributors to the
Bulletin), videos, podcasts, and other new media that could add
significantly to the content value of our publication and the offerings of
our Society.  We could also offer previews of articles to entice people to
consider joining AIS, offer "free" slideshows (imagine if we'd of been able
to put together a slide show of more of Keith Keppel's plicata seedlings as
featured in his article back in January?), and best of all offer the
publication in a "flippable" online format using various software (fairly
low tech and cheap) like Issuu.

Frankly, these are options we NEED to be considering.  Given that few other
plant societies have made similar moves, we could potentially position
ourselves in very flattering light.  

I offer my publishing experience, expertise, and connections.  Take me up on
it!  I'm happy to spearhead the development of this section of the website
with John and would consider it to fall under my duties as editor.

88 degrees in Ames, IA today.  Serviceberries, redbuds, a few early
crabapples, azaleas, and my prized Dirca are in bloom.  Glorious...

--The Ed

Kelly D. Norris
Farm Manager, Rainbow Iris Farm
Editor, Bulletin of the American Iris Society
Bedford & Ames, IA 
Zone 4b/5a
Read my blog at:

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of John I Jones
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 2:15 PM
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Website Content

As we get closer to being able to activate our new website we need  
more content to meet our goals of making the website more useful and  

To that end I need content for the following areas:

How to plant and grow bearded irises (all classifications, esp. those  
that are different)
Miniature Tall
Aril and Arilbred

What type of bearded irises should I grow

How to plant and grow beardless irises (all classifications, esp.  
those that are different)

What type of beardless irises should I grow

Pests and diseases

(and anything else you can think of)

If you are willing to work on any of this content, or know of  
existing content that we can get permission to use, let me know.

Please don't just tell me "go look at this" or "so and so wrote..." I  
don't have time to research, capture and edit all the content. I have  
my hands full getting the architecture place and moving the content  
we want to keep. Trust me it is more than just cut and paste. I need  
your help. The society needs your help!



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