Motion regarding AIS purchasing binders for Bulletins

On Monday, April 5, I sent an email out advising that the below motion had passed.

"That AIS accept the bid for Rogers Looseleaf for 200 binders including 
boxes and dye cast for $1410 plus $150 shipping to Oregon, and that 
these be offered through the storefront at $20 each plus shipping. But 
that AIS members receive a 30% discount, in other words they would pay 
$14 plus shipping. Also that AIS have a special pre-printing price of 
$12 each  plus shipping  for those orders received before April 30."

The enail was based on a total number of votes received as set forth in Robert's Rules.  However, there is a Standing Rule in place which supersedes Roberts's Rules.  The Standing Rules states:

"Approval of a motion discussed and voted on by electronic mail shall 
receive a minimum of 12 positive votes (based on 18 voting members - the 
President votes in a tie only"

Based on the language contained in the Standing Rule, and the number of votes received, the above motion has in fact, not passed.

I apologize for any confusion this may have caused. 


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