RE: Web Page Redesign

Hi John,

I agree, the Medal winners only is not enough.  I especially like the photos
of irises in garden settings as I believe they will reach out to a broader
field of people who may be just surfing the web.  I think a selection of
photos of various irises, including Medal winners and irises in garden
settings would be best.  The object being to reach out and interest non
irisairians as well as broaden the interest of novice iris lovers, not to
mention bringing a little more beauty into irisairian's lives.  The photos
that John has used in his sample are spectacular and made me want to find
out more.  After all, isn't that what you want in a home page?

Lynn Williams

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of John I Jones
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Web Page Redesign

The board can set a policy about pictures, but I don't think Medal
winners is broad enough a category. In the 10 years or so that I have
been responsible for the website, I have not had one complaint about
the pictures that have been (or not been) displayed.

If we wanted to, we could charge a fee to be included in the rotation
so hybridizers could place their most recent introductions.

Whatever the board decides on.

On Mar 31, 2009, at 3:33 PM, Michelle Snyder wrote:

> Hi John.
> In a word WOW.  What a great job.  I also agree that it would be
> nice to see a different iris when returning to the home page.
> Terry's suggestion of medal winners would, I believe, forgo hurting
> anyones feelings and make it easy to pick the irises to show.
> Michelle
> John I Jones wrote:
>> Here is a redesigned home page,  with the drop-down menus working.
>> The links below are all the same design with a variety of center
>> images, just so you can see how it looks with different images.
>> This is just the home page format. The format for sub pages will
>> have a different look more suitable for displaying and navigating
>> to more types of information. The items in the drop down menus are
>> place holders and can be changed as we need them. That is actually
>> the point.
>> We know what most of our content is going to be for now. We will
>> never know what all our content is going to be in the future
>> because it is going to change, and we will have to change and add
>> links (and take some away) and content as we evolve over the
>> years. The point is to have a design that is flexible enough to
>> accommodate what we need to do. We can argue about the specific
>> link titles, but the structure is there to allow us to move
>> forward. Obviously the sub links are not active yet. Just roll
>> over the items ("Growing Irises" etc.) to see the drop downs.
>> (There is a typo in the Photo Gallery pull down and I will fix
>> that later)
>> John                | "There be dragons here"
>>                          |  Annotation used by ancient cartographers
>>                          |  to indicate the edge of the known world.
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