RE: JT Handbook Revisions

Well, here I go, ready to stick my big foot into it again.  

First, I like, Student Judge, Apprentice Judge, Active Accredited, Active
Master, and Retired Master.  For me, Master signifies that you have been at
this long enough (15 years) to have hopefully become knowledgeable and wise
on this subject.  I feel it is a term of respect for a person who has earned
it.  The retired part of retired master doesn't bother me, personally.  I
haven't seen anything put forward, yet, that says it any better.  Becoming a
retired master is a voluntary decision isn't it?  So like a retired person,
you can work (judge a show) or you can stay home in the garden.    I thought
when you became a retired master it meant you were choosing to slow down and
take it a little easier, but still keep your foot in. To me it is another
term of respect.  Just my opinion.

Second, I don't like the idea of splitting our judges.  I think that a judge
must get into the garden and must raise iris to remain good at what we do.
I think a judge needs to see iris in both environments in order to FULLY
appreciate our flower.  Yes, I realize that you use two different criteria
for judging in the garden vs. on the bench but this is not rocket science.
IMO, if a judge does not know the difference between the two they need some
training.  I worry that if we split our judges we will next split our iris.
It will be like what has happened to the Irish Setter.  There are now
effectively two breeds, the Irish Setter and Red Setter.  As time goes on
they look less and less like each other.  There is a 6" difference in the
size, the head and body types are diverging and the coat on one is 8" long
and 3" long on the other.  One is beautiful and one hunts birds.  We don't
want to go there with our iris.  

Jeanne, I apologize for not chiming in on the last topic but my sentiments
were expressed by others much better than I ever could.  I feel quite
strongly on this topic and had to put my bit in.

Like Clarence, I won't be offended if you don't like my opinion, I just
wanted to express it.


Dana D. Brown
AIS Region 17 RVP
Director ASI, TBIS
Malevil Iris Gardens & Kennels
Lubbock, TX  79403
Zone 7 USDA, Zone 10 Sunset

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