RE: Amendment to Treasurer Elect motion

Thank you Susan, but Susan Boyce needs to agree to the amendment to the motion she originally seconded.....Susan Boyce, where are you?????  Jill

-----Original Message-----
>From: Susan Grigg <>
>Sent: Aug 24, 2012 1:36 PM
>Subject: RE: [AISdiscuss] Amendment to Treasurer Elect motion
>I'm "the other Susan". Since Susan B. doesn't seem to be available, I'll be
>happy to second your motion if Robert's Rules of Order will allow a
>different person to second after the original motion is amended. 
>Susan Grigg
>  _____  
>From: []
>On Behalf Of Jill Bonino
>Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 12:36 AM
>To: AISDiscuss
>Subject: [AISdiscuss] Amendment to Treasurer Elect motion
>After reading Bob's comments and talking with him, I make the following
>amendment to my motion....
>My amendment is in BOLDED ITALICS
>That the  AIS appoint Dwayne Booth, Region 13 RVP, as Treasurer Elect 
>effective  immediately and until a successor Treasurer is elected at the
>Fall 2012 AIS Board Meeting.
> This will authorize his name to be put on bank and investment  accounts
>currently open. It will allow him access to AIS 
>accounts to learn  about the operations but not authorize him to complete 
>any transactions or  transfers. And it will authorize Jill Bonino, 
>current AIS Treasurer, to  share all financial information with him 
>during training sessions prior to  the November 2012 AIS Board  Meeting."
>Susan, will you second this please??  Jill
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