RE: Motion regarding foreign registrations

  Hi all,
    Now that I am home from work, I can finally sit down and put my thoughts
into words about this.
In my opinion, I would like to find out some more information before I would
vote to send $5.00 to the associate registrars in other countries.
 1.   Does the money the foreign associates receive go into their own pockets,
or does it go into their respective iris societies coiffers.  I would really
hate to see us send an extra $5.00 just to end up in someone's pocket.
2.   What exactly does the foreign associates do?  Do they just forward the
registrations onto us?  Do they translate effectively and/or correctly the
registrations before sending them to us?
   All of these questions should be answered before we should vote on any
Susan Boyce


> Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Motion regarding foreign registrations
> From:
> Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 15:55:46 -0700
> To:
> The whole point of having a discussion after a motion is made is to get
thoughts on the table and vet the subject.
> John
> On Aug 16, 2011, at 12:47 PM, Michelle Snyder wrote:
> > John Jones moved and Cheryl Deaton seconded the below motion. As such it
is open for discussion.
> >
> > "That each foreign registrant pay a fee of USD$15.00 (or its equivalent in
the country currency) per iris registration or iris name reservation to the
country Associate Registrar. That the country Associate Registrar keep
USD$5.00 (or its equivalent in the country currency) per iris registration or
iris name reservation and pay the AIS USD$10.00 per iris registration or iris
name reservation, such payments to the AIS to be made via a PayPal system or
such other arrangements as may be enumerated by the AIS Registrar-Recorder for
his convenience. All payments to the AIS registrar to be made in USD. The AIS
respectfully requests, but does not require, the country Associate Registrars
to accept the USD$5.00 stipend as full payment for their services as Associate
Register in managing iris registrations and iris name reservations. That the
services of the country Associate Registrar include, but may not be limited
to, iris name checking against the database, !
> translation (as appropriate), transliteration (as appropriate), and
description review ad editing.
> >
> > Michelle Snyder,
> > AIS Secretary
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> __________________
> John I Jones
> Registrar-Recorder
> American Iris Society
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