Re: Website Redesign

I am unclear as to what a designer would do and would we like the result. It seems to me that before paying for a redesign we would want to know what it entailed. This is sort of a which cmes first the chicken or the egg. I think it generally has to work in tandem. I certainly would like input on any ideas as so as to ensure they are sound marketing of our product. I would like to see sample of what the designer has done before. I am certain this shows some coceipt on my part but I think I could put together a design I just could not implement it. As PR chair I really think I should nbe imn contact with th designer. To me a design is content driven not the content driven by the design.

----- Original Message -----
From: "John I Jones" <>
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 2:39:41 PM (GMT-0500) America/New_York
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Website Redesign

I finally been able to get some time from a designer I have used  
before and am in the process of contracting for a redesign on the  

I will keep you all appraised of the progress.


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