2017 Spring Convention RFeports

It's that time of year again.  This email pertains to all board members and committee chairs that need to present a report at this years Spring Convention board meeting.  If you were not on the teleconference yesterday, you probably are unaware that Gerry and I will not be attending this years convention.  Gerry has been asked to be one of the judges at the French International Iris Competition which is being held around the same time as our convention.  Right after the competition we will be getting on one of Viking River Cruises long boats and will be sailing up to Prague.  We will be returning June 7.  Jody Nolin will be handling  my Secretary duties in my absence at the board meeting.  Jim Morris will be handling the awards at the banquet in Gerry's absence.

All required reports are due to me no later than May 14.  This will give me enough time to do whatever I need to do to them before sending them to David for posting on the website.  Remember, reports need to be sent to me in either PDF or Word.  No report contained within an email will be accepted.  The reports must be sent to me at my AIS Secretary email address, AISSecretary @irises.org, as no one can attach anything to AISDiscuss.  The main difference this year is that it will be the responsibility of the person creating the report to make sure there are enough copies for those people who were not able to print the report from the website and for those walk-ins who decide to attend the board meeting.  I would suggest about 15 copies. 

If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at any time.

I know everyone will have a wonderful time in DesMoines.


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