Re: [AISvote] M

I vote Yes
Alverton (Al) Elliott

Quoting Gerry Snyder <>:

I vote Yes.

Gerry Snyder

On Sep 21, 2016 7:22 AM, "Michelle Snyder" <>

Sorry, I am a day late on this.  The time for discussion on the below
motion has now passed.  As such, it is now out for vote.

"That the AIS Board give Andi Rivarola (and the 2020 Centennial Committee) authorization to have a relationship with CafePress to produce any items necessary in order to promote The American Iris Society's Centennial Anniversary Celebration."


I vote yes.

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Alverton (Al) Elliott
104 Saddle Trail
Georgetown, TX 78633
Home P. 512-943-0687
Cell P: 432-638-0182

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