RE: [AISvote] Motion re guidelines for submission of digital images with iris registrations

I vote yes to the motion below.
Susan Boyce

> >
> > "I move that we adopt the Committee's recommendations listed
> > below regarding the guidelines for the submission of digital images
> > accompanying iris registrations and the creation of a Registration Image
> > Coordinator."
> >
> >
> > *Mission Statement*:
> > To create a reference library of images associated with fully completed
> > registrations received from the AIS Registrar-Recorder.
> >
> > The images should function primarily as augmentation of cultivar
> > descriptions and secondarily as a resource for AIS promotion.
> >
> > *Guidelines for Image Submission:*
> > *Registrants are requested to submit images with registration. Highest
> > quality digital images in jpeg format (4x6-300 dpi or medium setting on
> > the camera-Higher Resolution is preferred and not to exceed 600 or 1200
> > dpi).
> >
> > *Once the registrant receives approval for their name requested, images
> > should be labeled as follows:
> > YYreg.number, iris name_hybridizer_registration year_type_photographer.
> > (i.e. 11-6789_Golden Panther_Tasco05_TB_JSmith)
> >
> > *If possible, images of the flower (close up), stalk and clump are
> > desired. It is to the advantage of the hybridizer to submit the best
> > photos possible so they may promote the cultivar in AIS projects. The
> > photographer retains copyright ownership for their own uses but agrees
> > with submission to any AIS uses.
> >
> > *The photograph of the flower should be taken in the garden with no
> > digital manipulation permitted. Color and form should be true to
> > cultivar in all respects and in sharp focus.
> >
> > *It is preferred that the images are stored for reference in the AIS
> > library.
> >
> > *Detailed Copyright Disclaimer:*
> >
> > The undersigned hereby acknowledges that by submitting a photograph of
> > an iris cultivar being registered with the Registrar-Recorder of the
> > American Iris Society the undersigned hereby grants the AIS and its
> > agencies (Affiliates, Regions, Sections) the right to reprint or
> > republish such photograph in the Iris Encyclopedia maintained by the
> > AIS; in any of the newsletters or journals published by the AIS or its
> > agencies; to publish such photograph on any website maintained by or on
> > behalf of the AIS or any of its agencies; and to publish such photograph
> > in any other publication published by the AIS or its agencies in the
> > ordinary course of its educational and scientific activities.
> >
> > The undersigned represents and warrants that he is the owner of all
> > copyright rights with respect to the photograph submitted to the AIS
> > other than those rights otherwise granted to the AIS herein or by law.
> > The undersigned shall retain ownership of all individual copyright
> > rights in the photograph covered by this agreement except for those
> > rights granted to the AIS herein or by law.
> >
> > *Flow Chart:*
> >
> > *Image(s) is (are) accompanied with the Registration Form; received by
> > the AIS Registrar-Recorder, assigned a registration number related to
> > its registration folder and then transferred to Registration Image
> > Coordinator once the registrant receives approval for their name
> >
> > *Registration Image Coordinator enters a cross-reference list of
> > registration (image) numbers and names to be maintained on a spreadsheet.
> >
> > *Discs are prepared and copies are sent to the AIS slide chair, AIS
> > library, and Iris Encyclopedia Manager and Web Master.
> >
> > *Iris Encyclopedia enters reduced images into wiki with accession number
> > and file name so as to be able to act as a card catalog for higher
> > definition images stored in library.
> >
> > This process should be an ongoing process with batches sent as received
> > by the AIS Registrar-Recorder.
> >
> > *Job description of Registration Image Coordinator:*
> >
> > *The Registration Image Coordinator is appointed by the President of AIS
> > and is responsible to him/her.
> >
> > *To coordinate all activities of the registration image collection, the
> > archiving and disposition of said received from the AIS
> >
> > *To safeguard and store all of the digitized photos by use of the AIS
> > disaster plan.
> >
> > *Guidelines for Arciving Images in Library:*
> > **
> > **Storage: *Images may be stored on disc, thumb drive or external hard
> > drive.
> >
> > **Retrieval: *By searching the Registration Image Coordinator's
> > spreadsheet, or the Iris Encyclopedia, one can obtain the file number
> > for a unique image.
> >
> > **
> > *POSITION TITLE*: Registration Image Coordinator
> >
> > **
> > To coordinate all activities of the registration image collection, the
> > archiving and disposition of said received from the AIS
> > Registrar-Recorder. The photograph of the flower should be taken in the
> > garden with no digital manipulation permitted. Color and form should be
> > true to cultivar in all respects and in sharp focus. (JPEG format
> > preferred (4x6-300 dpi or medium setting on the camera - Higher
> > Resolution is preferred not to exceed 600 or 1200 dpi).
> >
> > The undersigned hereby acknowledges that by submitting a photograph of
> > an iris cultivar being registered with the Registrar-Recorder of the
> > American Iris Society the undersigned hereby grants the AIS and its
> > agencies (Affiliates, Regions,Sections) the right to reprint or
> > republish such photograph in the Iris Encyclopedia maintained by the
> > AIS; in any of the newsletters or journals published by the AIS or its
> > agencies; to publish such photograph on any website maintained by or on
> > behalf of the AIS or any of its agencies; and to publish such photograph
> > in any other publication published by the AIS or its agencies in the
> > ordinary course of its educational and scientific activities.
> >
> > The undersigned represents and warrants that he is the owner of all
> > copyright rights with respect to the photograph submitted to the AIS
> > other than those rights otherwise granted to the AIS herein or by law.
> > The undersigned shall retain ownership of all individual copyright
> > rights in the photograph covered by this agreement except for those
> > rights granted to the AIS herein or by law.
> >
> > **
> > He/she is appointed by the AIS President and responsible to him/her.
> >
> > **
> > 1. To receive from the AIS Registrar-Recorder any digital images the
> > Registrar receives that are associated with a registration.
> > **
> > 2. To maintain a spreadsheet with information such that its retrieval
> > could be facilitated by each image having a distinct accession number
> > based on the registration number.
> > YY-nnnn where YY is a two-digit year indicator (e.g., 11 meaning
> > 2011) followed by a (1 to 4 digit) registration sequence number.
> >
> > 3. To distribute copies of the digitized photos to the AIS Library, Iris
> > Encyclopedia, AIS Web Master upon request.
> >
> > 4. To safeguard and store all of the digitized photos by use of the AIS
> > disaster plan.
> >
> > **
> > Registration Image Coordinator enters a cross-reference list of
> > registration (image) number and name to be maintained on a spreadsheet.
> > It should also contain a distinct accession number based on the
> > registration number, for the library. That number would appear on the
> > encyclopedia under the comments for the picture and/or as part of the
> > file name as designated above.
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > To sign-off this list, send email to the AIS Secretary
> > <>
> > The archives for AISVote are at:
> >
> _____________________________
> John Jones
> Director, American Iris Society
> Chair, Electronic Services Committee
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To sign-off this list, send email to the AIS Secretary
> <>
> The archives for AISVote are at:

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