Re: [AISvote] Motion re guidelines for submission of digital images with iris...

I vote YES in favor of the following motion.
Ruth Barker
"I move that we adopt the Committee's recommendations listed  
below regarding the guidelines for the submission of digital images  
accompanying iris registrations and the creation of a Registration Image  


*Mission Statement*:
To create a  reference library of images associated with fully completed 
registrations  received from the AIS Registrar-Recorder.

The images should function  primarily as augmentation of cultivar 
descriptions and secondarily as a  resource for AIS promotion.

*Guidelines for Image  Submission:*
*Registrants are requested to submit images with  registration.  Highest 
quality digital images in jpeg format (4x6-300  dpi or medium setting on 
the camera-Higher Resolution is preferred and not  to exceed 600 or 1200 

*Once the registrant receives approval  for their name requested, images 
should be labeled as  follows:
YYreg.number, iris name_hybridizer_registration  year_type_photographer.
(i.e. 11-6789_Golden  Panther_Tasco05_TB_JSmith)

*If possible, images of the flower (close up),  stalk and clump are 
desired. It is to the advantage of the hybridizer to  submit the best 
photos possible so they may promote the cultivar in AIS  projects. The 
photographer retains copyright ownership for their own uses  but agrees 
with submission to any AIS uses.

*The photograph of the  flower should be taken in the garden with no 
digital manipulation permitted.  Color and form should be true to 
cultivar in all respects and in sharp  focus.

*It is preferred that the images are stored for reference in the  AIS 

*Detailed Copyright Disclaimer:*

The undersigned  hereby acknowledges that by submitting a photograph of 
an iris cultivar  being registered with the Registrar-Recorder of the 
American Iris Society  the undersigned hereby grants the AIS and its 
agencies (Affiliates, Regions,  Sections) the right to reprint or 
republish such photograph in the Iris  Encyclopedia maintained by the 
AIS; in any of the newsletters or journals  published by the AIS or its 
agencies; to publish such photograph on any  website maintained by or on 
behalf of the AIS or any of its agencies; and to  publish such photograph 
in any other publication published by the AIS or its  agencies in the 
ordinary course of its educational and scientific  activities.

The undersigned represents and warrants that he is the owner  of all 
copyright rights with respect to the photograph submitted to the AIS  
other than those rights otherwise granted to the AIS herein or by law.  
The undersigned shall retain ownership of all individual copyright  
rights in the photograph covered by this agreement except for those  
rights granted to the AIS herein or by law.

*Flow  Chart:*

*Image(s) is (are) accompanied with the Registration Form;  received by 
the AIS Registrar-Recorder, assigned a registration number  related to 
its registration folder and then transferred to Registration  Image 
Coordinator once the registrant receives approval for their name  requested.

*Registration Image Coordinator enters a cross-reference list  of 
registration (image) numbers and names to be maintained on a  spreadsheet.

*Discs are prepared and copies are sent to the AIS slide  chair, AIS 
library, and Iris Encyclopedia Manager and Web  Master.

*Iris Encyclopedia enters reduced images into wiki with accession  number 
and file name so as to be able to act as a card catalog for higher  
definition images stored in library.

This process should be an  ongoing process with batches sent as received 
by the AIS  Registrar-Recorder.

*Job description of Registration Image  Coordinator:*

*The Registration Image Coordinator is appointed by the  President of AIS 
and is responsible to him/her.

*To coordinate all  activities of the registration image collection, the 
archiving and  disposition of said received from the AIS Registrar-Recorder.

*To  safeguard and store all of the digitized photos by use of the AIS 
disaster  plan.

*Guidelines for Arciving Images in Library:*
**Storage:  *Images may be stored on disc, thumb drive or external hard  

**Retrieval: *By searching the Registration Image  Coordinator's 
spreadsheet, or the Iris Encyclopedia, one can obtain the file  number 
for a unique image.

*POSITION TITLE*: Registration Image Coordinator

To coordinate all activities of the registration image  collection, the 
archiving and disposition of said received from the AIS  
Registrar-Recorder.  The photograph of the flower should be taken in  the 
garden with no digital manipulation permitted.  Color and form  should be 
true to cultivar in all respects and in sharp focus. (JPEG format  
preferred (4x6-300 dpi or medium setting on the camera - Higher  
Resolution is preferred not to exceed 600 or 1200 dpi).

The  undersigned hereby acknowledges that by submitting a photograph of 
an iris  cultivar being registered with the Registrar-Recorder of the 
American Iris  Society the undersigned hereby grants the AIS and its 
agencies (Affiliates,  Regions,Sections) the right to reprint or 
republish such photograph in the  Iris Encyclopedia maintained by the 
AIS; in any of the newsletters or  journals published by the AIS or its 
agencies; to publish such photograph on  any website maintained by or on 
behalf of the AIS or any of its agencies;  and to publish such photograph 
in any other publication published by the AIS  or its agencies in the 
ordinary course of its educational and scientific  activities.

The undersigned represents and warrants that he is the owner  of all 
copyright rights with respect to the photograph submitted to the AIS  
other than those rights otherwise granted to the AIS herein or by law.   
The undersigned shall retain ownership of all individual copyright  
rights in the photograph covered by this agreement except for those  
rights granted to the AIS herein or by law.

He/she is appointed by the AIS President and  responsible to him/her.

1. To receive from  the AIS Registrar-Recorder any digital images the 
Registrar receives that  are associated with a registration.
2. To maintain a spreadsheet with  information such that its retrieval 
could be facilitated by each image  having a distinct accession    number 
based on the registration  number.
YY-nnnn where YY is a two-digit year  indicator (e.g., 11 meaning 
2011) followed by a (1 to 4 digit) registration  sequence number.

3. To distribute copies of the digitized photos to the  AIS Library, Iris 
Encyclopedia, AIS Web Master upon request.

4. To  safeguard and store all of the digitized photos by use of the AIS 
disaster  plan.

Registration  Image Coordinator enters a cross-reference list of 
registration (image)  number and name to be maintained on a spreadsheet.  
It should also  contain a distinct accession number based on the 
registration number, for  the library.  That number would appear on the 
encyclopedia under the  comments for the picture and/or as part of the 
file name as designated  above.

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