[AISvote] Motion presented by President E. Roy Epperson

Hello to voting board members;

Roy Epperson moved and I seconded that the following motion be voted upon. Roy is setting the voting period for ten (10) days which will be the day I leave on vacation, Sept. 26. As such, I would appreciate everyones vote as soon as possible so I can post the results prior to my departure.

My official vote is YES.

Thank you,

Michelle Snyder
AIS Secretary

"That the following appointments be affirmed by the Board of Directors.
*	Appointment of Jayme Adams, RVP, Region 11, as Chair of the
Exhibitions Committee. * Appointment of Robert Keup, AIS Board Member, as Advertising Editor
of the Bulletin.
*	Appointment of an ad hoc committee to study and make
recommendation(s) to the Fall meeting of the Board of Directors relative to
offering a membership discount when someone joins both AIS and a Section or
Cooperating Society concurrently.  Committee members:  Jill Bonino, Chair;
James Morris; Tom Gormley;  Anita Moran; Paul Gossett; Will Plotner; and
Dennis Hager."

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