Re: [AISvote] Call for Vote - New Board Appointment

I vote YES to the appointment of Brad Kasperek as Director.


On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 22:17:25 -0800 "Jill Bonino"
<> writes:
> Hi All voting Board members...
> Well, I am trying this for the first time so we'll see how it 
> goes...
> Gerry Snyder motioned and Paul Gossett seconded that Brad Kasperek 
> be appointed to the Board position vacated by Jason Leader.  
> Voting on this motion is now open for the next 10 days.  We need 12 
> votes to pass.
> This should not conflict with the previous email vote which 
> technically is still open...i.e., the motion to print 15,000 copies 
> of the ITJ.  This motion has passed with  16 "Yes" votes although 
> voting is still open until November 24th.
> I vote "Yes" to appoint Brad to the Board.
> Happy Thanksgiving to all.
> Jill Bonino
> Secretary

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