Re: [AISvote] Motion to accept the Greater Portland Iris Society's offer to establish a revolving account for the calendar

i vote yes to the motion to accept the Portland offer.
Jody Nolin

On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 10:14 AM, Michelle Snyder
<> wrote:
> Hello all.  The time for discussion on the below motion has now passed.  It
> is now out for vote.
> "That AIS accepts the offered donation of $2000.00 to establish a AIS
> Revolving Funds Account for the annual purchasing/printing of the AIS Iris
> Calendar beginning with the Year 2017 Calendar. That income from calendar
> sales in any given year be returned to the AIS Revolving Funds Account until
> the AIS Cost is recovered. That any profits after the AIS Cost Recovery will
> be available to the AIS General Fund for use. That should the AIS Board of
> Directors decide to not continue the annual AIS Iris Calendar Program, the
> $2000.00 is to be a donation to the AIS General Fund."
> I vote a resounding YES.
> Michelle

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