RE: [AISvote] Motion regarding images for Iris registrations

"A)The AIS Registrar shall begin requesting volunteer image submission with
registrations. Images shall be accepted by the Registrar, archived in the
AIS Library, and displayed on the Iris Encyclopedia.  Submission of images
to the AIS constitutes permission for any and all AIS uses.
B)The AIS President shall appoint a registration committee to facilitate
implementation of registration image collection, archiving, and disposition.
This committee shall propose suggested guidelines for registration images by
August 1, 2011."

I vote ==== Yes

Debbie Strauss
AIS Board of Directors 
MIS Fundraising Chair
R17 Newsletter & Parlimentarian
PBIS President
2213 Hereford Blvd
Midland TX 79707-5012

This year we have truly learned...
"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass....
it's about learning how to dance in the rain."
Be kinder than necessary,
Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle 

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