Re: [AISvote] Motion re advertising on the web

I vote YES.  Jill

-----Original Message-----
>From: Michelle Snyder <>
>Sent: Mar 10, 2010 9:50 AM
>Subject: [AISvote] Motion re advertising on the web
>The time for discussion of the below motion has now passed and it is now 
>out for vote.
>"I move that any business that, by virtue of their advertising in the 
>AIS Bulletin, qualifies for listing on the  Commercial Directory on the 
>AIS website be allowed to submit one (1) iris picture to be included in 
>the rotating library on the AIS Home page. Said pictures to be included 
>in the library from February through May for Bearded irises and June 
>through September for beardless irises and that said time frames be at 
>the discretion of the Electronic Services Committee Chair."
>My vote is YES.
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