RE: [AISvote] Membership Expiratin Data

I vote YES 
Louise Carson

> [Original Message]
> From: Patricia Randall <>
> To: <>
> Date: 3/8/2007 12:17:10 PM
> Subject: [AISvote] Membership Expiratin Data
> Good Morning to All AIS voting members,
> On March 5, 2007 John Jones stated that he had found a very reasonable
proposal to provide the programming for the ability for people to look up
their membership expiration date, and to get lists of Regional members and
their expiration dates.  It will cost somewhere between $600 and $700 to
get this job done according to the general direction decided at the board
meeting.  "Therefore, I move that the Chair of the Electronic Services
Committee be authorized to spend up to $700 from the Electronic Services
Restricted Fund to pay for the development of the ability to check
membership expiration online."  This motion was seconded by Robt Pries that
same day.  John emailed me yesterday and asked me to place this on AISVote
as no further comment or discussion ensued.  Therefore, I am officially
placing this item before the voting members of the American Iris Society
for your balloting purposes.  For the record, I vote YES for the measure
(having served as an RVP and needing this !
>  very same information for the Affiliation Form it was a constant
exchange of info between Tom and myself, this program would allow immediate
access and alleviate the need to constantly contact Tom for this info). 
This channel is now officially open for voting.  Patricia Randall, AIS
General Secretary
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