Re: [AISvote] Motion to table motion re upgrade of website

I vote YES to table the motion until the contract can specifically state what we want to do.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michelle Snyder" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 5, 2014 5:22:10 PM
Subject: [AISvote] Motion to table motion re upgrade of  website

Hello all.  I am back home.  On June 3, the below motion was sent out 
for discussion.

"That the AIS Board approve an upgrade to the AIS Website to increase 
the number of menu items available on the left side area of the webpage. 
Such upgrade not to exceed a cost of $1200.00, funding is to come from 
the Electronic Services Restricted Fund.  Such upgrade to be managed by 
the Electronic Services Chair on behalf of AIS."

However on June 4 Bob Pries moved and Susan Grigg seconded to Table the 
motion.  Therefore,  the motion to table the original motion to upgrade 
the AISWebsite is now out for vote.  In case anyone doesn't remember, 
the time for voting on the motion to table the original motion is 5 days.


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