Re: [AISvote] Call For Vote on AIS Appointments

In a message dated 6/8/2005 12:43:02 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

Hello  voting members...

I motioned and Roy Epperson seconded that we approve  the appointments and 
change for the Slide and Scientific Committees as  proposed by President Plank
in her AISConfer email reprinted  below.

Voting is now open for 14 days.

I vote "yes"

Jill  Bonino

"Dear voting members of the AIS Board:
I have several appointments I would like to have confirmed so  that they
may be printed in the July Bulletin.   They  are:
Jim and Janet Giles (R 15) -  Exhibition Chair pair
Roy has spoken  with them and they understand the undertaking they
have agreed to take on  (at least in principle).   This is exactly what we 
been  looking for -- a pair to handle this important task under one  roof.

Gary White -- Chair of the  Scientific Advisory Group
I believe I announced and received approval for Gary at  the
Board meeting in St. Louis, but I had not designated at committee  title.   
now, the Advisory group will receive and refer all  question of a scientific
nature.   The Grants Committee will be  listed in the Bulletin but will refer
reader to the Scientific  Advisory Group.   Bill Shear has agreed to consult
with the  group.   James Waddick, Dennis Hager, Bob Pries, Will Plotner,  Anna
Miller, and several others have agreed to consult and discuss  with the group
in an effort to produce a sound scientific program and  approach for AIS.

Avery Poling --  Co-Chair with Bill Mull on AIS Programs
Bill Mull will remain in charge of AIS Digital program creation  and
Avery Poling will become  the Slide program distributor (no further
slide programs will be created),  and even more importantly will set up and
maintain an AIS Speakers  bureau.
Avery volunteered (as did one or  two others). Avery spoke first to
me, and then went to Bill and spoke to  him.   Bill expressed a preference for
Avery to co-chair this  project with him.

I would like approval of my  appointments of these folks for these
positions, and the name change of the  Scientific Group.
You may vote the approvals one at a  time, or you may approve them as a
package at your discretion.
Thank You,

I vote "yes" for the motion.
Jim Morris

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