Re: [AISvote] Motion presented by Brad Kasperak

I vote yes

John Jones
On Jul 21, 2008, at 10:28 AM, Michelle Snyder wrote:

Hello all voting members:

Brad Kasperek moved and Jill Bonino seconded, that the following motion be voted upon. As soon as the qualified number of ballots have been cast, I will notify all of you regarding the closing of the voting.

"Each year, upon notification to the Secretary of The American Iris Society by the British Iris Society (BIS), The American Iris Society will award an Adult Silver Medal (Exhibition) to the exhibitor at the spring BIS show exhibiting the best-of-show collection of one-to-many bloom stalks made up only of North American Irises. The BIS will specify the conditions of the award (i.e., the number of bloom stalks to be exhibited in the collection). The medal will be engraved by AIS with the name of the exhibitor and the
year of the award."

My official vote is YES.

Michelle Snyder
AIS Secretary

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