[AISvote] Invitation to host 2010 AIS National Convention

Good Morning All,
I received a message from Jeanne to call the vote on the convention ballot.  I had informed her that on February 13th I had posted the tallied report.  If it did not get out then there must have been a glitch, anyway, for the record here is a copy of the original tally I sent out:  "With the votes received, along with my affirmative vote, the motion to accept the invitation by the Madison Area Iris Society for the 2010 AIS National Convention has passed.  By my count a total of 17 'yes' votes have been received.  All ballots, along with verification of the motion and second will be placed in the files.  Thanks to all for your speedy response".  I am sending this message from my msn channel, and will also resend one from the earthlink channel as well, so you may receive two ballot results.  Again, thanks to all for your prompt attention to this ballot.  Patricia

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