RE: [AISvote] Confirmation of Cheryl Deaton as RVP Counselor

I vote YES on Cheryl for RVP Counselor and I vote for Susan for the Bord appointment (altho I know the voting has closed)...Jill

-----Original Message-----
>From: Susan Boyce <>
>Sent: Dec 3, 2010 10:03 AM
>Subject: RE: [AISvote] Confirmation of Cheryl Deaton as RVP Counselor
>My vote is YES on the appointment of Cheryl Deaton as RVP Counselor.
>Susan Boyce
>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 8:54 AM, Michelle Snyder wrote:
>> > President Judy Keisling has appointed Cheryl Deaton as the new RVP
>> > Counselor. However as with appointing a new director, Article V -
>> > Board of Directors, Section 6 states in part:
>> >
>> > "The AIS Board of Directors shall designate one of
>> > its members as advisor to the AIS Board of
>> > Counselors, which shall consist of the AIS Regional
>> > Vice Presidents."....
>> >
>> > As such, she is seeking confirmation of this appointment.
>> >
>> > My vote is YES.
>> >
>> > Michelle
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