Re: [AISvote] Meerow Grant Proposal

Sorry, was in out of town for several days
I vote yes
Joyce Poling
In a message dated 8/25/2008 4:00:06 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Even  though the voting process for Jill's motion will remain open until 
Sept.  1, I have received 13 votes.  This is one more than the majority  
needed.  Full voting results will be posted on AISDiscuss once the  
voting deadline has passed.As such I am now posting the following motion  
made by Gary White and seconded by yours truly out for vote.

"I  move that the American Iris Society fund Dr. Allan Meerow's grant  
request of $4840 for the first year of his study: "Heterogeneity,  ecological
specialization and introgression in a large population of Iris  savannarum",
and that $4597 (or current Scientific and Scholarship fund  balance) be paid
from the AIS Scientific and Scholarship Fund, and the  remaining amount be 
from the AIS general  funds."

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