Re: From Anner Whitehead
- To: "" <>
- Subject: Re: From Anner Whitehead
- From: <>
- Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 01:14:16 +0000
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=message-id:mime-version:from:to:subject:importance:date:in-reply-to :references:content-type; bh=ZMFw8uZYl3023hUTCpGF1XAC/Z1lFeQzkN6rN/MfJj8=; b=DB1KNLHJGhknBwTXSmMQ6KwloKELREU5mGcON9bTkytjIOFvTLVLLoMtKv3oP+wEBE cl63vMdXGM8SXN/INKuDfRoEY80CGXNjM6F/iIENK+sNLA/Y0orZIAqjyFdgUksQwUb0 iNqLEARTL6uxL/oYOHSBflcUmImMmgdyBYlnJe/PbS/TRSfF1uMQWtGG5IZx1XK0OGL3 +ED5YAhQOahrpZWfDPTER96bAj/dbEVkRsctGi0W2gRET2Mn5a1GgHuwvImc7+gkK9QI M3Vle9oFWniAenQPmca3UYzoss8HZtG3FnxUi3Na8+LGsok1g67boJVey+CZv+FrkOzw relQ==
- Old-from: <>
HI a very small hi, Ibm thenew RVP for region one and canbt sit by without saying something.
Everyone in this organization, Ibm sure, has a similar schedule as I do-they care and because they care, they volunteer. Like so many of you Ibm busy working. I work three jobs, volunteer in my community and church and serve on five different horticultural boards. I sell real estate and work for a busy RE/MAX brokerage in Boston and the surrounding communities with 12 offices and I float to everyone of them.
Out of the five volunteer boards, two of them communicate via email volley. Something I personally canbt keep track of. I have hundreds of messages just from one volunteer position I hold AIS RVP.
I didnbt realize when I took the position that it was so email involved and want to apologize. I was told I could voice the regionbs concerns at the convention meeting and by attending the annual meeting. I try to keep members in my region involved in what is going on- like the discussion of new board openings, the Dykes pre-requisite discussion the regional meeting and how to increase membershipb&. But Ibm lost on this last one.
In the past Ibve been part of GSUSA for my area and found that replying directly to whomever made the motion that started the discussion works effectively. Simply send the e-mail out to yourself and bcc all others, so that when they reply it goes only to one. They can then hit reply and it only goes to you. It delays the instant volley but it also gives more people time to voice their own opinion and possibly influence the conversation. I like to hear all sides before I make a decision.
The originator then compiles a cut &n paste version of the discussion, so that we have a summary of concerns and suggestions. It is then shared by the originator of the amendment, with a recommendation and a final volley goes back to that person only and is presented at the meeting for a vote.
Is there any possibility we can handle discussion this way?
I realize it sounds daunting for the person hoping for a change, but I know myself and if I want change Ibm passionate about it and I would be willing to take on the task of summarizing the board members opinions if I wanted something done. Ibm sure we all share the same passion.
Thank you to all that do participate: Ibm trying to follow along and appreciate your input.
Linda Corapib
Sent from Windows Mail
From: George and Janet Smith
Sent: bSaturdayb, bSeptemberb b20b, b2014 b8b:b32b bPM
Now how sad is this. A VALUED ELDER who has been there done that AND
we don't want their input -- late or not??? REALLY! And you wonder
why members don't participate in discussions - if you won't listen to
an elder - why should we new comers try!
This is appalling-disrespectful of someone who has worked hard for
this society.
Janet Smith
---- Original Message ----
Subject: [AISdiscuss] From Anner Whitehead
Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 18:25:00 -0500 (CDT)
>Purely to assuage my curiosity, would someone please be so kind as to
>clarify the normative or official duration of the Discussion Period
>of a motion which has been made here and seconded? I am not speaking
>of situations where someone other than the Secretary calls the vote.
>I thought this period of reflection and discussion was by AISDiscuss
>convention, if not by Robert's, held to be two weeks, but apparently
>l was incorrect.
>On September 19 I offered some thoughts on a motion which entered the
>discussion phase on September 9. I can find no post in the Archives
>in which the Secretary announces that the discussion phase had closed
>and vote was commencing. I do see some indication of people voting,
>and one member telling them that the vote had not yet been called by
>the Secretary. I sense I must have missed something.
>I am fully aware that participation by non-Board members is not now
>much encouraged, although President Morris has always been uncommonly
>gracious about my own single-handed if quixotic attempts to preserve
>the traditional prerogative of the wider AIS membership to
>participate in Board discussions. But you shoot yourself and the
>Society squarely in the foot when you receive the membership's
>sincere and informed contributions-- even the a late one- with
>I won't apologize for sending in my last post, but that is the last
>time I am going to contribute. I am mothballing my Don Qwixie drag,
>and I will no longer be reading these Archives. There are subjects
>about which I am without doubt the most knowledgeable member of this
>Society, but if you want my insights,you will need to ask.
>Anner M. Whitehead
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