From Anner Whitehead
Purely to assuage my curiosity, would someone please be so kind as to clarify the normative or official duration of the Discussion Period of a motion which has been made here and seconded? I am not speaking of situations where someone other than the Secretary calls the vote.
I thought this period of reflection and discussion was by AISDiscuss convention, if not by Robert's, held to be two weeks, but apparently l was incorrect.
On September 19 I offered some thoughts on a motion which entered the discussion phase on September 9. I can find no post in the Archives in which the Secretary announces that the discussion phase had closed and vote was commencing. I do see some indication of people voting, and one member telling them that the vote had not yet been called by the Secretary. I sense I must have missed something.
I am fully aware that participation by non-Board members is not now much encouraged, although President Morris has always been uncommonly gracious about my own single-handed if quixotic attempts to preserve the traditional prerogative of the wider AIS membership to participate in Board discussions. But you shoot yourself and the Society squarely in the foot when you receive the membership's sincere and informed contributions-- even the a late one- with asperity.
I won't apologize for sending in my last post, but that is the last time I am going to contribute. I am mothballing my Don Qwixie drag, and I will no longer be reading these Archives. There are subjects about which I am without doubt the most knowledgeable member of this Society, but if you want my insights,you will need to ask.
Anner M. Whitehead
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