Fwd: 2013 AIS Fall Board Meeting New Orleans Information

Here is another copy the information regarding the upcoming board meeting that was originally sent at the end of August for anyone who either didn't receive it or had deleted it in error.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 2013 AIS Fall Board Meeting New Orleans Information
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 16:34:01 -0700
From: Michelle Snyder <AISSecretary@irises.org>
To: aisdiscuss@aisboard.org

Attached is the information for the 2013 AIS Fall Board Meeting in New 
Orleans including the tour that Paul has wonderfully arranged.  Please 
print out the attached material and make what arrangement's you need to.


Attachment: 2013 AIS Fall Board Meeting Registration Form.rtf
Description: RTF file

Attachment: 2013 New Orleans AIS Fall Board Meeting Schedule.rtf
Description: RTF file

Attachment: 2013 New Orleans Tour.rtf
Description: RTF file

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