IMPORTANT!! Secretary traveling

Hello all,

This email is for all those persons who receive money for the AIS; have bills/invoices that need to be paid, and are responsible for presenting reports at the upcoming Fall Board meeting.

        1.    As Jill previously mentioned, AIS's fiscal year will end on September 30. 

        2.    Gerry and I will be traveling beginning Sept. 17 and will not be returning until Oct. 8.  (Going to                        Rome before getting on the ship for a cruise of the Greek Isles that ends in Venice)

        3.    If you have any monies you want me to deposit they must be mailed to me NO later than Friday,                    Sept. 10.  The same goes for any bills/invoices you would like me to process.  After that date, please                send all funds for deposit directly to Jill Bonino.  Please keep in mind she must have the funds no later                than Sept. 29, in order to include in this years financial report. 

               Likewise, if you have any invoices/bills that you want included in this year's financials they are to be                    sent to Susan Boyce, Recording Secretary, at 5123 South 3500 West, Roy, UT 84067.  They must                be received by Susan no later than Sept. 25, so she has time to prepare the vouchers and send them                off for processing.

        4.    As far as the reports for the upcoming Fall Board meeting, this is just to let those responsible know                    that the deadline for receiving said reports will be October 22, so you can start preparing them.  I                    will be sending out reminder emails after our return. Please remember, the reports are to be in the                    form of a word or PDF document.

        5.    I will have my Blackberry/Acer with me so I expect to be able to conduct regular AIS business while                traveling, depending on availability of connectivity.

If there are any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Of course, any financial transactions after Sept. 30 should be sent to me in the normal manner and I will take care of them as soon as we return. 

Thank you,

Michelle Snyder
AIS Secretary


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