E memberships

Hello everyone,
I received an interesting letter in the mail from one of the youth members.
She included her answer to Bob Pries' e mambership survey.  She said she would
not be interested in an e membership because she was only 4 years old and not
allowed to use the
computer!  She also doesn't know how to read very well yet.

This cute letter caused me to ramp up the old brain cells.  Bob, did you
receive many responses from the youth members to your e membership survey and
if you did, what were the results?  This begs the question, will youth members
be given a discount in the e memberships?  Currently they do have a discount
in regular AIS membership.  I do not think we were thinking too much about
youth members when we were formulating the e membership plan, but in all
honesty, many youth members will be the ones using the internet in the future,
and they should be part of our target audience.

Gary and John, what are your thoughts on this?


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