Re: Upcoming Fall Board Meeting Agenda

In a message dated 9/6/2008 11:36:34 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

To all  persons submitting reports at the fall meeting:  Since I want to 
have  the agenda as complete as possible before leaving on vacation on 
Sept. 26,  and before sending it to Roy for his final input, please let 
me know  within the next two weeks if there is a specific topic I should 
add to the  agenda under your name. 

Thank you,

Michelle  Snyder

Agenda items requested from Section  Liaison Consultant:
1.  Status of Section/Cooperating Society Presidents' request for an  AIS 
Committee to study AIS/Section reduced fee joint membership with cost  reduction 
shared by AIS and Section or Cooperating Society.
2.  Status of SLI for Section consideration review.
3.  Status of Canadian Iris Society's request to become an AIS  Cooperating 
4.  Discussion of proposed inclusion of age or DOB in Clarke Cosgrove  youth 
nominations for subjective review by the Judges as to perceived  
maturity/percociousness/experience or lack thereof.
5.  Reconstitution of Judges' Training Handbook Revision Committee to  be 
more inclusive of Section representatives.
We should all be prepared to discuss all proposed agenda items by BOD  
officers/committees but hold our discussion for the Board meeting which is  getting 
One exception is regarding #2 above:  Bob Plank and I have been  requested to 
write an article for the SLI Journal the Fleur de Lis  pointing out 
advantages to SLI potentially moving from Cooperating Society  status to Section 
status.  Bob and I would really like to pick your  collective brains as to 
advantages and responsibilities for Section  status.  If you would provide your 
thoughts on this then Bob and I can  complete a reasoned article by the November 1 
publication deadline.  Thank  you.  
Jim M.

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