Re: AIS Fall Meeting--The Budget


Thanks for the detail. See you next weekend.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Deatons" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] AIS Fall Meeting--The Budget

Hi Jill,

Considering that the youth web page is a part of my budget (which it should
be) and that the cost of printing and postage is going up, I request a
budget of $1500, which will cover the convention pizza party and reception,
the youth web page, two issues of The Iris Fan, and printing and postage for
mailing of the youth packets for new youth members. Right now, Kathy
Chilton and I are working on a CIP with 72 students, but I will send their
packets parcel post to cut down on postage! The trophy for the Clarke
Cosgrove Award is supposed to be paid from the Cosgrove account. Hopefully,
I won't need to use all the funds, and if the new Youth Fund is a success, I
might be able to lower the budget request next year. See you soon!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jill Bonino" <>
To: "AIS Discuss" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 9:56 AM
Subject: [AISdiscuss] AIS Fall Meeting--The Budget

Yes, it is that time again.

Please let me know your expense budget needs for the coming year as soon
you can, so I can have a draft budget ready by October 15 to send
electronically to everyone along with the 9-30-06 financial statements.

Also if you are an Officer or Committee Chair who receives checks, please
me know an estimate of what you think the income for your area next year
be as well.

Let me know of any questions you have...


Jill Bonino

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