Re: Proposal for discussion -- Clarence's new book

Hello everyone,
Just about have the post-convention activities closed out and now here
comes another project for the AIS Storefront. Kay and I can handle the
logistics of selling the book through the AIS Storefront. I think there
are a couple of areas we need to explore.
1. We need to establish a price for our international customers. Postage
cost have been 3 to 4 times more than domestic shipments. There are also
rumors that postage rates are going up again.
2. I think we need information on the cost for 25 copies. I agree that in
the beginning sales numbers will be high, but after that it may take a
long time to put together another batch of 50 orders. When a customer
places an order, they want to have the product within a reasonable time
frame. We have had some complaints as to the none availability of a
recent publication. A couple of customers have stated they will not order
unless the publication is on hand in the AIS Storefront. They have
checked in every couple of weeks to see if we have a supply. 
John & Kay Ludi
AIS Storefront 

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006 19:34:04 -0400 (EDT) Maureen Mark <>
> Hi all,
>  As some of you know, Clarence Mahan has been working  on a book for 
> past year or so.  The book is done and will be  released by Kriger 
> Press in November.  The book 'Classic Irises  and the Men and Women 
> who Created Them" is advertised in the October  bulletin.  The 
> retail price is $87.50.
>  The Publication  Committee is proposing that the book be offered by 
> the AIS Storefront  at a discount for the first year of publication. 
>  We are able to  get a 45% discount on the book for any volume over 
> 50 copies.   Lower discounts are available for smaller volumes.  
> Going with at  least 50 copies, the costs are as follows:
>   Discount price: $48.125
> Shipping for each 50 books: $85 ($1.70 each)
> Minimum cost of book: $49.825
> Shipping within US: $3.50-$8.10
> Proposal
> Special  offer of $58.95 including shipping until Dec.1 with 
> shipping from  Storefront around Dec. 15. As the October bulletin 
> had already been  printed by the time we heard of this opportunity, 
> we propose to get the  word out through iris editors and the AIS 
> website.
> Post Xmas offer of $75 with shipping when 50 orders received. Notice 
> in January bulletin with a book review.  
> The Storefront would accumulate orders and then arrange purchase of 
> the books for shipping when 50 orders have been received.
>   This proposal has not been shared with the Storefront.  My  
> apologies, John.  I was hoping to have time to give you advance  
> notice of this idea and get your feedback.  
>   All of you, especially John, please feel free to poke holes in 
> this  proposal.  It has been put together on fairly short notice.   
> The purpose is to promote the book for Christmas sales at a price 
> very  close to cost and then offer the book at a discount.
>   I personally have not seen the book, but I have heard that those 
> who have are ready with their praise.
>   I'll be away for a few days and hope to see some discussion when I 
> get back.
>   Maureen Mark
>   Chair, Publications Committee
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