Sad News.

To All:
     It has just been brought to my attention that notice of the death of 
Betty Robert's husband, Ned Roberts, was posted on the Daylily Forum.   The 
notice stated that Ned died on Friday following a long illness battling cancer.   
It has been a very difficult time for Betty and my heart goes out to her and, 
of course, my sympathy to the entire family.   Those of us who have been 
through something like this know how wrenching it is, those of us who have not can 
only in part imagine the great pain.
     My information came from Roy Epperson who informed me after he was 
notified by Glenn Grigg who read the death notice in the Daylily Forum.   Thank you 
to both Glenn and Roy for passing the word along.

Jeanne Clay Plank, President
     The American Iris Society

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