New AIS Full Membership, effective 01-01-2021

Here is the new Membership Rate Structure, approved by the AIS Board, and Effective 01-01-2021.

The main purpose of the changes are to implement the new Full Membership Rates.
Instead of having two memberships for those of us with Print and E-memberships, Full Membership consolidates them into one.
No changes were made to the rates (Full Membership is the sum of both Print and E-memberships).
Overseas rates were discontinued to facilitate record keeping and simplify the rates.
Senior Discount was discontinued as it was only applied to Life Memberships.

Here's a RECAP of the changes:
  1. New Full Membership Rates (Print plus E-membership all in one).
  2. E-membership, no changes to rates nor to benefits.
  3. Print Membership, no changes to rates nor to benefits.
  4. Overseas rates are discontinued.
  5. Senior Discounts are discontinued.
  6. Life Memberships were increased.
The AIS Membership Secretary, Pam Messer will give a full account on the process of Full Membership implementation, separately.
Note: We will update the AIS website soon, post on News & Notes, and also on IRISES as soon as possible.
Andi Rivarola

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