Honorary AIS Awards Nominations

With the AIS Board meeting coming up on November 3-4, 2017, nominations for
Honorary AIS Awards will be considered and voted on. B At this point in time
the Honorary Awards Committee (consisting of all past AIS presidents) is
requesting nominations for the folowing awards: B Distinguished Service Medal;
Hybridizer's Medal; Warburton Medal; and the AIS Gold Medal. B These
nominations should be made to me as chairman at my email address
morrisje1@aol.com,B not via AISdiscuss, no later than October 17, 2017.
B Please provide factual rationale (qualifications) with any nomination. B The
full Honorary Awards Committee will review your nominations and make their
recommendation to the AIS Board.
Distinguished Service Medal -- Since inception in 1941 there have been 231
medals awarded. B The DSM is awarded in recognition of outstanding service to
the American Iris Society at theB national level. B Service is judged on the
basis of the amount and quality of work done in such capacities as AIS Board
performance; national officer performance; judges' training activity that is
national in scope; significant writing for our national publication IRISES;
and other less tangible but vital acts of national service to AIS.
Hybridizer's Medal -- 43 awarded to date. B The medal is awarded to honor
living hybridizers who have made significant advancements in irises. B "The
Hybridizer's Medal is awarded to persons who have produced new iris varieties
of exceptional merit deserving of special recognition." B -- Garden Irises
Warburton Medal -- 19 awarded to date. B This is the highest honor the AIS can
bestow on a living overseas member for extraordinary iris accomplishment.
AIS Gold Medal -- 18 awarded to date. B This is the highest honor the AIS can
bestow on a living American member. B The ultimate award for prominent and
extraordinary performance and accomplishment "above and beyond".
You are reminded that recommendations for Emeritous Judge status are past due
(September 1) to Judy Keisling, AIS Judges' Training chairman.
Sorry this is late but I look forward to your recommended nominations by
October 17.
B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  Jim Morris, Immediate Past President & Honorary Awards
B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  morrisje1@aol.com

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