Fall board meeting reports

First of all, a big thank you to those who have sent their reports to me already. Since the original deadline for reports is Monday, Oct. 17, and I am missing so many reports, I will extend the date to Friday, Oct. 21.  However, that is the final date for reports.  If you will not have a report for the meeting, please be kind enough to send me an email advising of same.  If I don't have your report to me by next Friday, it will be your responsibility to bring your report, as well as enough copies for the board plus and extra 5, for a total of 24 copies, with you so you can give them to me for handing out at the meeting.

Remember all reports must be in either word or PDF format.  NO reports contained within an email will be accepted.
Also remember, that you cannot attach anything to discuss so your reports need to be sent to me directly at aissecretary@irises.org

Below is a list of still missing reports:

Exhibitions (Susan Boyce)
    National Collection
    Display & Test Gardens
Iris Programs, Speakers
Judges Handbook Revision
Silent Auction
Ad Hoc Library report
Ad Hoc Life Membership report
Ad Hoc 2020 Centennial International Competition Report

Thank you,


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