RE: Fwd: IMPORTANT - AIS Fall Board Meeting in Salt Lake - 2nd reminder
IF RVPs have any issues they want discussed at the BOD meeting they report to
the RVP Representative or the RVP Counselor, who put the concerns in their
reports. At this time, NONE of the RVPs have responded to my request for
information, and I know Jim Copeland has not heard anything either. I am
waiting to hear about the newly elected RVPs for 2 regions.
> To:
> Subject: RE: [AISdiscuss] Fwd: IMPORTANT - AIS Fall Board Meeting in Salt
Lake - 2nd reminder
> Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2014 19:39:57 +0000
> From:
> Are the RVPbs responsible for any reports?
> Sent from Windows Mail
> From: Michelle Snyder
> Sent: bOctoberb b5b, b2014 b10b:b43b bAM
> To:
> Subject: [AISdiscuss] Fwd: IMPORTANT - AIS Fall Board Meeting in Salt Lake -
2nd reminder
> This is your second notice that the reports need to be to me no later than
Friday, October 24.
> This will allow enough time to get them to John in order to post them to the
web site for perusal and downloading. Please remember the reports must be in
either word or PDF format. As always, if I don't have your report be the
deadline, it is your responsibility to bring the report plus another 25 copies
to the board meeting for distribution. Remember all reports must be sent
directly to me at NOTHING can be attached to
> Thank you in advance for your anticipated timely response to this request.
> Michelle Snyder
> AIS Secretary
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