Re: letter from Editor to Pries

To all participants on AISDiscuss:
     I returned home yesterday from an AIS-business trip to Southern 
California and was appalled to find a clash of personalities between members of a five 
person committee being posted on AISDiscuss. I will not comment on the 
content. I will say with no reservations that it was an inappropriate place for this 
clash to be aired.
      The purpose of AISDiscuss is to present topics for debate and 
examination; a place to present new ideas and investigate possibilities for further 
consideration to a broad forum of AIS leaders. Participants certainly have a 
right to express an opinion about subjects posted on AISDiscuss. It is not, 
however, a place for airing grievances involving committee impasses or personality 
     I wish to point this out because I think it is consummately to be 
pursued that AISDiscuss not become a vehicle for personality conflicts that should 
be settled elsewhere (such as an originating committee). If worst comes to 
worst and no other reconciliation is possible, then conflicts should be presented 
to the more private forum of voting Board members, AISVote, for assistance in 
resolving the matter.
     I will remind you once again, AISDiscuss is not a place to engage in 
personality clashes, motive assumptions and name calling. It is an inappropriate 
place to deprecate a group or person by assigning attributes or imputing 
motives to them.
     I will not use AISDiscuss any further to address this conflict, and I 
hope this will be true of others as well.
          Jeanne Plank  

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