RE: Missing Reports

There is nothing to report at this time for the Donations Development Committee which is why there was no report.  As to the CIP Youth issue in CA, we have not been able to meet to discuss things due to health issues on a few fronts, but are hoping to meet before the Board meeting in Omaha.

Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Missing Reports
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2015 07:58:52 -0700

When I get an email saying nothing much has been going on l do not consider it a report and assume the committee chair will just say as much as the meeting,  or if they aren't present,  I relate the  message..


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On Wed, Nov 04, 2015 at 11:16 PM, Jim Morris <> wrote:

Bob Hollingworth,
They were not listed in all the reports on AISdocs for the Board meeting.
Jim Morris
American Iris Society
In a message dated 11/4/2015 11:12:30 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
Jim - I turned in reports for the IP and scientific committees - essentially no significant activity for either group in the last 6 months. Bob

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 4, 2015, at 11:43 PM, Jim Morris <> wrote:

In putting together my book (about a three-hour process) for the AIS fall 2015 Board meeting I did not find written reports for the following twelve (12) functions.
III Officers
    a.  1st VP
    b.  2nd VP
    c.  Treasurer
IV  Administrative Offices
     a.  Recording Secretary (do have the Minutes)
VII  Special Committees
     a.  Intellectual Property
     b.  Youth -- CIP Guidelines (CA problem)
VIII  Standing Committees
     a.  Donation Development
     b.  Honorary Awards
     c.  Judges
     d.  RVP Counselor
     e.  Scientific Advisory
     f.  Symposium
I trust that the various officers and committee chairs will have a written report to hand out in Omaha prior to the Board meeting.  Please accept this as a reminder.
Jim Morris
American Iris Society

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