Fw: Sudendts from Poland. Ask about irises.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Any help and or advice you can pass along to these folks will be greeted with Thanksgiving.
-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Barbara Rogowska
Sent: Nov 28, 2013 12:59 PM
To: aismemsec@irises.org
Subject: Sudendts from Poland. Ask about irises.

Dear Sir.

Good Morning. We are students of Horticulture at the University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland.

I and my friend experience/conduct research on the Siberian Irises The varietes are: 'Wisley White', 'Wiltrude Gissel', 'Violet Meer', 'White Swirl', 'Sibirica Wycieruch', 'Marsz Turecki', 'Wojewoda', 'Reaming Yellow, 'Iris Ensata', 'Iris pseudocorus', 'Versicolor', 'ver. Magnat;, 'Sibirica Stone Flower', 'Spuria' and 'Iris graminacea'.

Our research concer resistance to deseases and pests of the species, why some species are more attacked and infected than others. We would be very graetful for help and access some information on this topic (something about systematics, resistance).

We look forward to Your reply.

Your faithfully,

Anna Wiatrowska,

Barbara Rogowska.

Tom Gormley
AIS Membership Secretary
PO Box 177
DeLeon Springs, FL 32130
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