Advertising in "Irises"

Effective with the Jan/Feb issue of 2014, the following changes in advertising rates for IRISES have been approved by the board.

2 issues within same year discount for display advertising

Place a display advertisement of any size and in any location  in an issue of IRISES for the normal price as listed and place that same size advertisement in any issue within the same year for one-half the price of the original advertisement. The second advertisement within the same year is 1Ž2 price – it does not have to be the same advertisement.


Color Back Cover Rates

1Ž2 page outside back cover – 8.5” w x 5.5” h (centered) --$300.00

3Ž4 page  outside back cover – 8.5” w x 9” h -- $600 (cannot be full page due to postal franking)

The new editor/layout person is Kathleen Sonntag (

You can expect issues in 2014 to be published on time.  That means the Jan/Feb issue will be published and in the hands of members before the end of Feb.  The Apr/May issue will be in the hands of members before the end of May.

You can expect issues in 2014 to be published on time.  That means the Jan/Feb issue will be published and in the hands of members before the end of Feb.  The Apr/May issue will be in the hands of members before the end of May.

LOCATION of advertisement is first come first served.  You may reserve a specific location in advance by payment in advance with location and size specified.

DO NOT submit any advertisements to Erica Bjerning.  Advertisements in the proper format should be submitted to the advertising editor as per instructions found on the Advertising Rates page of "Irises" (page 60 of Jul/Aug 2013 issue).  This includes changes you are making to your "Shopping Section" ads.

Thank you, Ron Killingsworth, Advertising Editor "Irises",  (318) 996-9969  10329 Caddo Lake Rd, Mooringsport, LA 71060

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