2008 Spring Convention

From Paul Gossett:

Dear Fellow AIS Members,

The October issue of the AIS Bulletin will not contain information nor a
registration form for the 2008 AIS Convention in Austin, Texas.  As the
AIS Convention Liaison, I am asking your assistance in notifying your
members and affiliates of the convention.  I am sending this out to you
because the convention is in mid April, 2008 and the first deadline is
February 15, 2008.

The following is the web site that people can go to find information
about the convention and they may also make a registration with the hotel
on-line from the 2008 Austin Convention Web Page.  You may also download
and print a copy of the registration form from the web site to mail in.
The 2008 Austin Convention Committee also accepts credit cards.


Thank you for your assistance.

Paul W. Gossett
AIS Convention Liaison

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