Re: Another Membership Idea

I am making a note of 'Oprah' also but I confess I may
need your advice on this one. I have ocassionally seen
the Oprah show but i am not sure I understand the
gestalt of the magazine. I have thought about Martha
Stewart also but again I am not sure I know the aura
one needs to convey to reach the core values of these
two publications. But I trust in the knowledge of our
members and am willing to seek their guidance on the
meaning of life and these mags goals. Now i wil go
back to puppy sitting and watching Spamalot.  

--- wrote:

> Greetings.
> With regard to untapped sources of potential
> members, Clarence Mahan  has 
> suggested that the attention of the editors of the
> AARP magazine be directed  to 
> AIS. 
> I would like to suggest that it might also be
> appropriate to contact  the 
> editors of the magazine 'Oprah' with the goal of
> attracting the  attention of its 
> readership. 
> Cordially,
> Anner Whitehead
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