Website Issues
I joined as an electronic member so that I could visit both the Iris registration page and be able to read Irises online. However, when on the road I use a mobile device such as an iPad rather than a laptop to do my work.
I was surprised when I tried to read Irises that I needed Adobe Flash rather than Adobe Reader to read the Iris Bulletin. I called my niece's husband who is a commercial programmer to ask if there was a version of Adobe Flash that I could put on my iPad. He told me that Flash was not supported on any mobile devices, whether Apple or Android.
I appreciate all the work that was required to scan in all those Irises Bulletins and understand that AIS doesn't have the money to redo the website, but was wondering if any future Bulletins could be as scanned in as PDF instead of Flash. As time goes on more and more of us are using mobile devices rather than computers and would like to be able to read this content.
Is there a reason why Flash is used instead of PDF?
Thank you.
Howie Dash
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
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