Re: Promotional video

YES, I would be Honored to do the Voice Over. George Boyce

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Pries <>
To: aisdiscuss <>
Sent: Fri, May 4, 2012 8:00 am
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Promotional video

I agree, Irises have more to offer. Ultimately I could envision promotional
ideos for each of the sections also, but that seems to put the cart before the
orse. However it is done, Irisarians must be involved. I would expect the
rofessionals to step in on the editing and mixing of voice and image. If this
ere contracted with a film producer who knew nothing of Iris the quality might
e professional but the content might be poor. Ideally we could find people who
re both. I know we have a well-known actor who has a display garden and
ould volunteer to do the voice over. George don't kick me! But there may be
ther talented irisarians in our ranks also.
----- Original Message -----
eems like this an area where the AIS Foundation might be able to fund a
rofessional effort. I think we can do better than the daylilly people - their
ideo was nice enough but the variety of color and form in the irises is way
etter! I hope that doesn't start a fight. Bob H.
 Bob and Judy Hollingworth

rom: "" <>
ent: Thu, May 3, 2012 4:10:23 PM
ubject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Promotional video
I agree with Jeanne!

----Original Message-----
rom: Jeanne Plank <>
o: aisdiscuss <>
ent: Thu, May 3, 2012 11:35 am
ubject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Promotional video

hat is an outstanding promotional video. I would hope the AIS could find the
sources to produce something of the same promotional caliber  for irises.
rry -- I can not offer a suggestion as to where to find the technical
owledge/equipment for producing such a video, but I encourage rationally
rsuing such a goal!
n May 2, 2012, at 4:23 PM, Robert Pries wrote:
 Dear AIS Discuss members. I would like to show you a wonderful promotional
deo created by the Daylily Society. I believe AIS should have something
milar. Unfortunately I do not have the technical knowledge or equipment to
 this, yet, but I hope with your help we can find the volunteers that could
 this. It is only 2 minutes but very pleasant. So follow this link and click
 the arrow on the screen to start the video and then enjoy and see what is
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