Re: 2006 Spring Insurance Report

Now that I learn that there is no way to delete insurance coverage for  those 
organizations that chose to opt out and not pay an annual fee, I urge  the 
Board to make any levy of charges on the affiliates, regions and sections  
I see nothing offensive in an annual notice requesting contributions and,  in 
the manner of some charities providing a "suggested" amount. But it should be 
 voluntary with no stigma attached.  Otherwise there is going to be much  
friction created when some pay and some don't. And some will not. This has the  
potential of creating trouble unless it is voluntary. 
I also point out that there are still a number of clubs within the regions  
that are not affiliates but which are still a part of AIS, and which in some  
cases are comprised totally of AIS members. These clubs should also be asked to 
 contribute since they too are covered by the AIS policy (I assume). I do  
not believe there is listing of these clubs available at national level  (but 
the regions know who they are).  Clarence

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